Tuesday, November 25, 2008

John 3: 17 God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

or to put it another way

God did not send his CHURCH into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world


God did not send YOU / ME into the world to condemn the world, but to save it


  1. why do we spend so much time protesting things?
  2. why is christian talk radio so full of venom?
  3. why do we expect non-christians to act like we should act as followers of Jesus?
  4. why do we try to manipulate morality through politics instead of focusing on transforming peoples lives through influencing them to follow Christ?
  5. why is church the most dangerous instead of the safest place to confess 'sin?'
  6. why do people split churches and bail from churches instead of forgiving 7 times 70 and obeying the command to 'love one another?'
  7. why is love such a low priority and 'holiness' such a high priority?

I guess i am frightened that we have become the very thing Jesus was opposed to: Self righteous; judgmental; mean spirited; thugs.

Jesus confronts...but notice the verse above and see that he doesn't condemn

Jesus forgives...even from the cross

and at times i wonder why we don't look, act, speak, and have the attitude of Jesus.

i am spending some time today looking hard at myself at who i have not yet forgiven and still hold in a position of condemnation. I suspect this won't be fun. But I also suspect that there will be more freedom in the flow of love, than the dam of emotional energy wasted on bitter roots and condemnation.



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