Friday, February 8, 2008

from the great Nate

The question then for us to kick around this month is two-fold: 1)Do
we interact with God relationally, knowing that all relationships -
even the best marriages - have ebbs and flows, and 2) Are we honest
with God in where we're at currently in our relationship tidal-wave
with him? Do we communicate through worship that we are frustrated, or
do we simply mouth the same old words that don't pack the same punch
because our hearts and minds are elsewhere?

I think God loves it when we take off the vanity and insecurities that
prevent us from actually engaging with Him at a deeper level. I want
to worship at a i'm-gonna-bring-you-every-motive-and-emotion level, a
gut wrenchingly honest level in which I am simply spewing every
question, problem, and praise to God in order for Him to have access
to the real me. I want him to have that all-access backstage pass to
my soul - you know the one that is extremely rare and not handed out
to just anyone, only the extreme V.I.P.s in our lives. I want Him to
have access to the real me because I want Him to transform the real me.

This month let's consider being radical enough to let God way way in
to our hearts as we worship Him. Give him the backstage pass, the keys
to the front door, and the true feelings that we have for Him now. He
can handle them whatever they may be. He's cool like that.



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