Saturday, March 13, 2010

when in wonderland...

Absolem, a hookah smoking 3 inch caterpillar in the new “Alice in Wonderland” movie asks Alice a simple but profound question:

Who are you?

After a brief dialogue 2 different times, he gives her 2 interesting retorts.

“You are certainly not nearly Alice”

And on the 2nd occasion

“You are almost Alice”

How about you?

Are you certainly not nearly who God made you to be; or perhaps you are now almost who you were designed to become.

As you are spring cleaning this year perhaps it’s time to throw away the you, that is not nearly at all who God intended you to be. Perhaps it’s time for people to see you becoming almost who God wants you to be.

What’s standing in the way? What things need to be forgotten, thrown out, and set aside. And what things need to be yearned for, fought for, and raced after.

For this is NO dream you can pinch your way out of. You must face and fight for your future. Beneath who you have become, is always lurking who you were made to be. And every now and then you simply need to be reminded of that, or else the world will steal your identity and make you a robot, a caricature, and an imposter of yourself.



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