Monday, March 10, 2008

a day in the life of

what does a pastor do all week?

my family thinks pastors work a 1/2 day on Sunday, and can't imagine what else they do. So this week I'll explore this with you.

Monday [today]

8am: drive kids to school
9am: prayerfuly answer e-mails from the weekend, pray for people as led by the Spirit
10am: spent and hour and 1/2 answering e-mail from college student going to school in Boston, who no longer believes in Jesus. Cry...think...pray...etc.
11:30am: lunch...went home and made lunch for amy [who was still sleeping from working a 3rd shift till the wee hours of the morning]
12:30pm spent 1 hour helping a friend write an awkward and sensitive letter. e-mail and im back and forth. pastoral coaching
1:30pm did filing, looked over church financials, more e-mail, and one long phone call from someone needing advice
2:30pm did research on Corinthians in order to help Nate with this week's sermon
3:30pm blog
4pm will help kids with homework, chores, etc.
5pm dinner
6pm family time
7pm prep work for tue meetings
8pm service planning team with nate for hour and 1/2
9:30pm lectio reading, journalling, and review new nooma video
10:30pm final e-mails, facebook, etc.

sounds exciting huh? prayer, study, coaching, teaching, awkwardness, doubt, faith, revelation, searching for words and wisdom...that's today



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