Tuesday, March 11, 2008

a day in the life of...part 2

what do pastors do...part 2

8am...wake up groggy
9am...school apt for one of my kids at school
9:30...into the office
10:00...meet with religious life people at A/U aaron wardle, john swope, etc.
11:00...church elders meeting john schultz and dan lawson...pray, dialogue, put of fires, plan, etc.
12:00...drive aaron to lunch
1:00...blog and lunch
1:30...check on nate b...he was sick yesterday
2:00...start to work on Easter service
3:00...kids home...go home
4-8...family time
8pm...work on small group leaders retreat stuff
9pm...work on planning next quarter calendar
10pm...journal, read, pray



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