Monday, July 9, 2007

make some space on your calenders and support aaron and his new cd.

from his website:

Simply: July 1, 2007Today the final CD master and graphics of Simply was sent off to DiscMakers for replication. Hallelujah!!! The last few days I have driven everyone and myself nuts trying to get every little detail squared away so it could be as perfect as possible and shipped out. I have checked and re-checked and re-checked the re-check. Marshall Green (recording engineer) and Paul Stoffer (graphic artist) have endured my constant changes and finishing touches with patients and grace; they are incredibly talented men and have high “Aaron’s craziness” tolerance levels. I am really pleased with this project. So many people worked really hard to make it happen and the fact that it is a collision of worship music and global missions is the most exciting. All profits from Simply go to support our friend Beckie Fulmer, a missionary in Northren Ireland. Becki is sharing the radical love of Christ through teaching forgiveness to individuals and people groups of all ages, nationalities, and religions who have grown up in places with a history of conflict. This CD is for all intents and purposes live, just Jillian and I in the AU chapel recording vocals, acoustic guitar and grand piano at the same time. We added a few background vocals and some gorgeous cello parts by Caitlin Eger and that’s it. I think the songs come alive with the live and unpolished feel. The goal was to be simple. But it is funny how much work it is to make something simple. My tendency is to make things busy and complex, so it actually took more time to make it less. The songs on this album reflect an interesting time in my journey. They are all prayers and come from a pretty deep place. As I listened over and over looking for mistakes and wrong notes, the true theme of the CD and my heart for that matter became more apparent. God please hear me and please help me hear you: communication and communion with the Living, speaking, not hard of hearing God. With all that being said Simply will be back from DiscMakers around July 11th, just in time for Brethren Conference and the CD release night on Wednesday July 18th. More information will come for how to buy a copy of Simply and support global missions.



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