Sunday, May 6, 2007

Movies [the top 25]

I'm a little nervous about this post because frankly they are not all Disney movies and i'm afraid if i talk about them people will think i am endorsing them [i'm not]

Some movies as a whole have effected me, and others just had some crucial scenes. Several have some pretty vulgar stuff in them that God still used to change me. So consider this a pastoral warning label and proceed with caution and prayer. As an aside...should the song of solomon be made into a movie it would be NC-17 or X and there are things in the book of Kings that make the violence of the 'saw' movies look like super-nanny

1. Matrix [just the 1st one, I probably have the whole script memorized]
2. Lawrence of Arabia [one of the few movie characters I totally understood and felt a kindred-spirit with]
3. The Quiet Man [great movie about being forced to do the 1 thing you don't want to do]
4. Heaven can wait [the mess of god's providence and our struggles with life purpose]
5. Vanilla Sky [When he runs down the hall screaming 'tech support' I finally found someone who prays like I do]
6. The Mission [inspiring and forces you to make a decision at the end of the movie about glorious martyrdom and failure]
7. Groundhog day [ecclesiastes on film]
8. Signs [restores hope in me]
9. Phone booth [now this is quirky, but god has really used this movie to force me to be transparent with people and confessional about my sin]
10. Fight Club [there is some pretty vile stuff in this movie, but it really forces men to address who they are]
11. Pay it forward [written by an episcopalian...the gospel in action]
12. Rain: Nooma video by Robb Bell [watch it on a bad day] some are on u-tube
13. Gladiator [I'm a guy...that's why]
14. Jesus of Montreal [skip the 1st 5 minutes and it's got some great scenes]
15. Jesus Christ Superstar [Yes there is heresy in it...but the scene in the Temple and his prayer on the mountain are spectacular]
16. The power of one
17. Good Will Hunting [other than the laguage and a few other things, a very powerful story of personal choices]
18. Waking life
19. Cinderella-Man and a Beautiful Mind [i identify with both]
20. The Shawshank Redemption
21. The Big Kahuna
22. Wings of desire [City of angeles was the US redux but the european version is better]
23. Time Bandits
24. Lord of the Rings trilogy
25. Chariots of fire

Those are the DVD's Ill take to the nursing home.


Anonymous said...

David, I just had to comment on one movie you mentioned. Shawshank Redemption. It was filmed at the prison in Mansfield, which is the next town west of Ashland!

Anonymous said...

Deb-- you took the words right out of my mouth..Dave--what about Dead Poets Society--"oh captain, my captain!"

david sherwood said...

shawshank and dps would make top 25. How about you? What are yours and why?

So would finding forrester; dogma; braveheart and a few others maybe i;lll list later

Anonymous said...

I'm a big movie fan Dave. Enjoyed most of your list...would add Magnolia, Sophies Choice and Memento for a variety of reasons. By the way, the bank seen from Shawshank...filmed in Ashland. Glenn

Jillian said...

#12 Rain . . . I began to tear up just reading the name. That Nooma, (and many others) continue to push the boundaries of my relationship with the Lord, and my responsibility as a human.

Anonymous said...

what do i like?? wow!! you'd think that will all the "getting to know you" emails that i get i would have answers ready...but here it goes....

dead poets society

ferris buhlers day off---i cut every day my senior year, beside--who doesnt love cameron when he says "ferris buhler you're my hero"

gross point blank-- John Cusak is great

pretty woman--- I have a runner in my panty hose---and what girl wouldnt want to be rescued

romy and michelles high school reunion---hello?? post its?

liar liar-- Jim Carey!! the common denominator b/w black lies and white lies are the LIES--they just never work

signs----i agree with you, plus godly people have doubts and struggles from time to time

good will hunting---- anything Matt Damon is good

bruce almighty

fun with dick and jane---- "Mr.Roboto"

OK---anything Jim Carey will make the list)

we have a pretty eclectic movie collection----- beleive it or not we still have VHS---LOL

Anonymous said...

VHS are great, more kid proof than DVD's. David is anticipating the streaming viedos from Netflix or Blockbuster

I am an Katherine Hepburn, Goldie Hawn and Julia Roberts fan. And any Jane Austin movie. I also have seen almost every Arnold Schwarzenegger movie. I can't say I have good taste. I just want mindless entertainment.

Anonymous said...

Which means that I have learned to enjoy Pride and Prejudice after the 50th watching. I know this does great damage to my man-card status in the global male tribe. But it has its advantages...

Plus I love my wife enough to watch what she enjoys. She has sat through [and slept through] more weird indie movies that she's like to remember...oh ya...she doesn't because she was asleep

Anonymous said...

LOL!! amy, i have breakfast at tiffanny's on VHS!!!! LOL

Jillian said...

Someday my husband will watch Pride and Prejudice with me . . . someday.

Anonymous said...

First of all, you notice that David posted anoymously when he admitted that. Chip is really going to kill me to publish this but, he quoted Mr. Darcy at the dinner table the other night. His future wife will thank me someday.

Anonymous said...

ok..apparantly i need to borrow pride and prejudice form one you to join the club---LOL


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