Monday, May 7, 2007


After much prayer over the last few weeks I know that when I get there we will spend some time going through the book of Nehemiah.


Nehemiah is about a lot of things:

  • re-inventing your life
  • becoming a leader
  • getting out of captivity
  • escaping a poverty mentality
  • moving out of a survivor mentality
  • becoming a marine
  • engaging God's promises boldly
  • living outward the dreams of God
  • practical faith
  • mental, emotional, and soul toughness
  • re-starting when things stagnate

We will go verse by verse. Trust me it won't be boring.

A good book on Nehemiah is by a guy named Gene Getz.

If you start reading now, God will start to speak to you I promise. Then when I come along it will reinforce what the Spirit is leading out in you.

Some suggestions:

  1. Read the whole book once in a single setting to get the big picture
  2. Go back and try to fully feel what Nehemiah must have felt
  3. Look for bridges to your context: your job; marriage; finances...
  4. Then see how Nehemiah actually moved into action and find parallel action steps for your life
  5. Ask for help from Christian friends

Tentative titles:

  • Nehemiah: "visioneering and re-engineering your life"
  • Extreme make-over: Ja-style

any suggestions?



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