Monday, May 7, 2007

Pastors [the top 25]

Other pastors who have heavily influenced me:

Note: As of turning 40 I have realized that increasingly many are younger than me. That has been a hard reality of humility to realize. But a wise man told me once that "your pride is best kept in check by gleaning wisdom in the fields of those younger than yourself." Another said "the new paradigms of the kingdom are always in the hands that are hungry for it, thus the successfull grow fat and the failures stay thin. Run at the pace of the young...they are the chariots of fire; the old...are edsils and just don't know it yet."

  1. Peter and Paul
  2. Craig Groeschell
  3. Mark Driscoll
  4. Robb Bell
  5. Rick Warren
  6. Charles Spurgeon
  7. Irwin McManus
  8. John Burke
  9. Matt Chandler
  10. John Piper
  11. Steve Sjogren
  12. Jack Deere
  13. Andy Stanley
  14. Chuck Swindoll
  15. Tony Evans
  16. TD Jakes
  17. NT Wright
  18. AW Tozer
  19. Tony Morgan
  20. Kerry Shook
  21. Ed Stetzer
  22. Jay Baker
  23. St Francis of Assissi
  24. Jim Cymbala
  25. Brian McLaren and Doug Pagitt



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